Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Descifrar el silencio: antología poética bilingüe Español-Polaco, publicada en España

 Queridos amigos,

hago este post para contarles dos cosas que casi me cuesta trabajo creer que son verdad. La primera es que un nuevo libro mío, una antología bilingüe español-polaco titulada "Descifrar lo invisible", acaba de ser publicada en España por Ultramarina Press (Plataforma PLACA). La version polaca de los poemas ha salido de la pluma de mi muy admirada amiga, la poeta y traductora Marta Eloy Cichocka, lo cual es un lujo enorme. 

La segunda cosa que quiero contarles es que, en un par de semanas, voy a presentar el libro en Madrid y en Cracovia. Será un viaje rápido y emocionante que me tiene un poco nervioso, por supuesto. 

Será mi primera vez en España. Es un viaje que mi padre siempre quiso hacer y que murió sin haberlo realizado. Siento que viajaremos juntos. 

Amigos, si conocen a alguien en cualquiera de esas dos bellas ciudades, díganle de estos eventos. Y si están en alguna de ellas durante esas fechas, por favor, vayan a darme un abrazo. 

No puedo decirles lo contento que estoy. 


Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Inside the Writer’s Head: Poetry, Music and Haiku with Jennifer Hambrick

Poet Jennifer Hambrick joined me on a new episode of "Inside the Writer's Head" ahead of the arrival of the largest and oldest gathering of haiku poets outside Japan to Cincinnati. The biennial conference Haiku North America is organized in part by Hambrick as program chair. Listen in as they discuss the lyrical power of haiku, Hambrick's musical lens of poetry, and information about Haiku North America. 

Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Manuel Iris at the Cincinnati Literary Club

Literary Club Poet Laureate Series


Manuel Iris


Writer-in-Residence of the Cincinnati and Hamilton County public library (2023)

Poet Laureate Emeritus of the City of Cincinnati, Ohio (2018-2020)


7-8 p.m. Thursday, May 4, 2023   Free and Open To The Public


The Literary Club, 500 E. Fourth St. Cincinnati, OH


Attend in-person if fully vaccinated and boosted – no reservation required

or click to attend by Zoom

or copy and paste into browser

For much of the nineteenth century, Cincinnati was the center of culture and learning in Ohio and throughout the Midwest. During this period, the residents of the city often founded organizations to sponsor cultural and educational activities. The Literary Club is one such organization. It was founded on October 29, 1849.

Since its founding, the club has had no more than one hundred regular members at any given time, all of them men. Members have included many prominent Cincinnati residents, including Rutherford B. Hayes and William Howard Taft. Members present papers at club meetings, and occasionally famous writers have spoken to the club’s membership as well. Among the Literary Club’s guests have been Ralph Waldo Emerson, Booker T. Washington, Mark Twain, and Robert Frost. Cincinnati's Literary Club is the oldest such club in the United States.

Monday, May 01, 2023

We need to talk about it: Fear. A writing workshop with Writer-in-Residence Manuel Iris

 In this session, participants will write about the concept of fear, whether it's about having or overcoming fear, or exploring the consequences of fear and talking about its opposites: bravery and love. Click on the image to register in advance.

WordPlay Cincy: New Grantee-Partner of the Poetry Foundation

  I am a proud member of the board of trustees of WordPlay Cincy, a Cincinnati-based non-profit dedicated to creating opportunities for chil...