Monday, February 20, 2023

Inside the Writer’s Head: Black History Month and Love


In my inaugural episode of this season of “Inside the Writer’s Head,” I chose to interview two brilliant guests to have a conversation about Black history and love. Listen in to my conversation with MoPoetry Phillips and Yalie Saweda Kamara.

Guests on This Episode

MoPoetry Phillips is a national spoken word artist who cofounded of Regal Rhythms Poetry LLC, ands founded Hit the Mic Cincy. She is the author of “Equals Greatness, opens a new window,” is a member of the Urban Appalachian Community Coalition, on the Juneteenth Committee, serves on the Board for Kids4Peace, and is currently serving under the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee of Women Writing for (a) Change. Find the latest about MoPoetry Phillips at

Yalie Saweda Kamara is a Sierra Leonean-American writer, educator, and researcher from Oakland, California and the 2022-2023 Cincinnati and Mercantile Library Poet Laureate. She is editor of the forthcoming anthology, “What You Need to Know About Me: Youth Writers on Their Experiences of Migration” (The Hawkins Project, 2022) and author of “A Brief Biography of My Name” and “When The Living Sing.” Learn more at Yalie Saweda Kamara's website,, opens a new window.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Nos vemos pronto en la FILEY! (Video)

 Queridos amigos,

La feria Internacional de la Lectura Yucatán (FILEY) 2023 ya va a empezar. Ahí nos veremos!


Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Manuel Iris, Writer-In-residence at the Cincinnati & Hamilton County Public Library (Video)

During my year as Writer-in-residence for the Cincinnati and Hamilton County Public Library, I will host podcasts, write blog posts, hold office hours, and lead writing workshops.

Watch the video to learn more about my life, writing, and what I hope to do during my year-long Writer-in-Residence term at the Cincinnati & Hamilton County Public Library. 

The Library Foundation’s Writer-in-Residence serves as our literary ambassador to the community. Find out more about the position, and view upcoming event dates:

Manuel Iris, escritor en residencia del en residencia de Cincinnati & Hamilton County Public Library. (Video)

 Como saben ya, este año tengo el honor de ser el escritor en en residencia de Cincinnati & Hamilton County Public Library. Este es mi video de presentación y es la primera vez que se hace uno en español. Me pone muy, muy contento esta oportunidad, que es en realidad una oportunidad para acercarnos todos a las bibliotecas de aquí, y de todas partes. Pasen a ver, amigos!

WordPlay Cincy: New Grantee-Partner of the Poetry Foundation

  I am a proud member of the board of trustees of WordPlay Cincy, a Cincinnati-based non-profit dedicated to creating opportunities for chil...